Meanwhile, here are the answers to the winter bud quiz that I posted last Friday. Buds add warmth to the season, which is greatly needed at the moment. These winter buds are a sure sign that spring is on its way!

Red maple (Acer rubrum): opposite, red buds; red stem
Hobblebush (Viburnum alnifolium): opposite rust-colored, naked (no scales) buds
Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata): large, tan-gray buds with dark outer scales; stout twigs
Speckled alder (Alnus incana): male (large) and female (small) catkins (flower buds) present; also look for last year's fruits (cones)
Gray birch (Betula populifolia): typically single male bud; slender twigs
American beech (Fagus grandifolia): long, slender, pointed, copper-colored buds
Rhododendron: large, green, pointed buds
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