Thursday, July 29, 2010


Not much needs to be said about nasturtiums. Perhaps the easiest annual plant to grow and one that provides beauty all summer long. You can eat the leaves and flowers, but I am averse to picking the blossoms. I prefer them in full flower in the garden. During this long, hot, dry July, when other more demanding plants are drying and fading, the rich colors of nasturtiums remain.

These "jewels" come in brilliant shades of crimson, orange, yellow, salmon, and peach. Their leaves are equally lovely in shades of green, some solid some variegated, all resembling lily pads. I almost expect my little spring peeper of last week to be hanging out here. But nasturtiums like full sun, a hot spot for a little frog.

Here is a colorful mix of nasturtiums from the garden. In the still, humid air of a July morning, I feel cool and refreshed just looking at them.

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